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5 for 5

As one of the final classes (one more after this) before getting my Bachelors in Advertising, Social Media Strategies is a resource in experimenting with the fragile world of... well, social media. I do have some questions, and goals in mind.

So close!


1. Push the limits of social media to its full potential as a storyteller.

2. Build a network of authors and writing groups to further my career in this field.

3. Fearlessly break into new territory, and improve my post scheduling capabilities.

4. Keep my Twitter and LinkedIn profile as fun (and professional) as Blu Flamingo's Facebook profile.

5. Create polls about my work to increase user engagement.


1. How do I keep with and predict trends on Twitter?

2. How do I successfully market myself on LinkedIn?

3. Is creating controversial content really that harmful if it does not hurt anyone else?

4. To add; does promoting certain content put my profile in danger?

5. Do I really need to wipe my profiles clean of content I put up as a kid? Why should that matter as an adult?

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